Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sir Walter Scott

I am currently reading, The Betrothed by Sir Walter Scott.  I had never read any of his novels before nor seen any films based on his novels but since collecting the books and doing some research I saw the film Ivanhoe with Robert Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor. It was a good film. Well, one day when I was rummaging through a hospice bookshop and found a whole collection of his novels that were printed in 1887. I grabbed about six of them, the ones in the best condition which were; The Betrothed, the Talisman, The Bride of Lammer Moor, St Ronans Well, The Surgeon's daughter and Castle Dangerous, and The Antiquary. 

Below is a picture of the Title page and a page from the book. I love title pages of old books. They are always so decorative.  And the Chapter is written as Chapter Sixth which I thought was quite different.

In case you are not familiar with the book The Betrothed. It is the story of Eveline Berenger the daughter of Thomas Berenger. Being the fairest maiden in England she becomes the object of war when her father refuses her hand in marriage to Gwynwyn, the Prince of Powys. And not to mentions the fact that he is married and she is engaged to Sir Hugo de Lacey.

The war ends with her father being killed and the de Lacey's coming to her aid. Damian de Lacey, the nephew of Sir Hugo is sent to protect her but the sparks fly and the two young ones fall in love. Lovely tale. I think it would make a lovely film. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Medieval Tomboy

There is a young woman in the kingdom of Northumbria and she is outspoken and stubborn and has a will of iron. She has her governess bedraggled and her sister worried for she is one determined young lady who will not be given orders. She may have plans but her father has plans too, to marry her to someone of equal wealth and title.  She can ride a horse as well as any knight, she can shoot an arrow clean and swift, and her seat in the saddle is one to be praised. You won’t find this young beauty with long dark hair and sweet face sitting in the upper chambers of a castle weaving tapestries to share boredom. NO! She would be running through the fields in the heart of the day, competing in tournaments, concerned for the welfare of animals, and the kingdom. She is a medieval tomboy. She is Lady Gwendolyn Godwyn.
Read about Lady Gwendolyn in the Kingdom Of Lions, coming soon!
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