Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Dressmaker and Her Daughters

The Dressmaker and Her Daughters is now available in both kindle and paperback formats.  It is the story of the Collins' sisters; Julia, Hannah, Rebekah, and Abby.  The Collins family return to their hometown with news of business collapse and the ill health of Mr. Collins and it doesn't take long for the four lovely sisters to become the talk of the small town. 
Hannah is the main character in this story; a strong willed book loving girl who takes a position as a governess in the noble home of Captain and Mrs Lynch.  The job is not what she expects as she soon discovers Mrs Lynch is cold and calculating and she longs for home however things take an unexpected turn and her faith and beliefs are put through the fire.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

New book

My new book The Dressmaker and Her Daughters  is nearly ready.  It is the story of the Collins' sisters and their trials and tribulations.  Below is a copy of the cover.  Should be available soon.  There is also a new cover for my book Jade which is now available in paperback.  Cheers. 

And Jade:

Sunday, June 1, 2014

I Am Delighted To Annouce a New Book

 My latest written work which will be available very soon. 

 Set in the 1950’s, The Dressmaker and Her Daughters is the story of the Collins’ sisters; Julia, Hannah, Rebekah and Abby.  When Mr Collins falls into business difficulties and his health begins to fail the Collins family return to their hometown where they buy a seaside cottage in a picturesque village that overlooks the ruins of an old castle.  Mrs Collins carries on with her dressmaking expertise with Rebekah’s talent at her side and the four sisters are soon the talk of the town with their charm and beauty. 

This tale follows the lives of the four sisters through their joys and struggles to make a new life in a new place.  Julia is the eldest of the Collins’ sisters and a very talented piano player who catches the eye of the well esteemed Mr Jack Brennan.  Rebekah is a seamstress like her mother and her life takes an unexpected turn one day when Mr and Mrs Allen arrive at the door when their car breaks down.  Abby is the youngest of the Collins’ sisters and she is the wild one with red hair and she is always getting into trouble.  She has two horses that annoy the farmer next door however her charm and beauty captivate his son, David, a mysterious young man with delicious secrets circulating through the village about him.

Hannah is the main character of this tale; a book loving, novel writing girl with ambitions like her mother.  She is the most outspoken of her sister’s; the only one who has studied since high school and she decides to take a position as a governess in the noble home of Captain and Mrs Lynch with the most unexpected results.  The Lynch household with its huge gothic Victorian mansion seems to have a coldness about it when Hannah first arrives and Mrs Lynch she soon discovers is a very cold and calculating woman who is very dominating and determined and controls the lives of her daughters with strict discipline. She soon begins to regret taking the position and looks forward to returning home until she meets… Captain Lynch.  He is everything she ever dreamed of in a man and more and one look of his dark sweet eyes causes her heart to beat faster than ever.  He has black hair and dark eyes and a strapping build that she finds irresistible and she never expected the master of the house to be a well-educated man with great talent and charming romantic manner.  Being a young woman of Catholic faith she tries to avoid the inevitable; falling in love and she finds there is suddenly a war going on inside her. Her faith and belief are telling her to turn and walk away from it all and her heart is telling her otherwise.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I love the writing of Elizabeth Goudge.  Her books are so beautifully written and I love this passage about hares.  I made this image for my daughter because she has 4 of the darlings and they are always escaping from their enclosure.  If you can just imagine her racing madly around her backyard trying to catch them. Quite a drama! I told her it's because...they have fairy blood in them! LOL!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!  Have a great one and I hope that your coming year is filled with great things. 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Angels are supernatural beings that are mentioned hundreds of times throughout the Bible in the Old and New Testament.  Angels served various purposes from the book of Genesis when the angel appeared to Hagar and through the Revelations where the angels announce God’s judgments.  Their role is one that is diverse with angels bringing messages, direction and even strategy for war.  They were sent to provide deliverance for Lot and his family as they fled from Sodom. And angels are often portrayed surrounded in great light with feathery wings and playing a harp.  But what if angels were like us.  The scripture says, that many have entertained angels and not known it.  The greatest angelic message in the Bible was the angel’s announcement that Mary had found favour with God and was chosen to bring forth the Saviour.  

In the tale of Jade, Jade has angelic friends who bring him messages, provide protection, friendship and guidance, and also strategy for war. He discovers that angels are very active in the lives of mankind as they even interfere in his circumstances to bring out about certain conclusions and not all of these intrusions are welcome by the young man.  With a bit of humour thrown in, Jade has quite an intriguing time with his angelic friends.  The story of Balaam and the donkey is evidence of angelic humour when an angel of the Lord tries to stop Balaam from cursing Israel and even makes the donkey talk to Balaam.  Humour, Sadness suspense, Intrigue and celebration are all situations that Jade will face with his angelic friends. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I love writing and I love the evenings; curling up by the fire with a coffee or a glass of wine and writing until ...until I fall asleep.  There is something magical about the midnight hour and beyond and it seems for me that all creativity lets loose.